
The benefits of factory high-precision uwb module positioning equipment

2022-07-21 632

The benefits of high-precision uwb module positioning equipment for smart factories and their solutions, factory equipment positioning can help companies improve production processes, improve timeliness, and avoid mistakes. Maybe you don’t know much about it, so today, I will introduce uwb module factory equipment positioning The benefits and solutions, interested friends, may wish to take a look with the editor!

The benefits of factory high-precision uwb module positioning equipment

Advantages of high-precision uwb modules for factory equipment positioning:

1. Improve economic efficiency, real-time positioning management of warehousing logistics, personnel and equipment in the discrete manufacturing process.

2. Reduce the risk of safety accidents, dangerous areas, danger early warning and post-disaster rescue, etc.

3. Provide technical support for refined management, personnel trajectory management, asset positioning management, factory material tracking, electronic fence, etc.

4. The workshop is digital and transparent, with intelligent material boxes, AGVs, automatic guided mobile robots, etc. in the factory.

Factory equipment positioning solutions:

1. High-precision uwb module hardware infrastructure: Active tags fixed on the device actively send wireless signals at predetermined intervals. Four or more anchor base stations receive the signal and send it to the positioning server through the positioning gateway.

2. Electronic tag: It is bound to the managed object and can send wireless signals within a specified time interval. Electronic tags can also be equipped with data interfaces to transmit detailed location information directly to local control systems, or provide necessary sensor data to higher-level systems.

3. High-precision uwb module anchored base station: receive the wireless signal of the electronic tag, attach anchor coordinates and time stamps, and transmit the data attached to the tag. Through at least three synchronous anchor base stations, the three-dimensional positioning accuracy of the electronic tag can reach centimeter level.

4. Gateway: It is used to package all recorded data and transmit it to the upper positioning server. It can also be used as an anchor base station.

5. Positioning server: Calculate the real-time location coordinates of electronic tags, and define and edit location-related event types through the rule engine.

6. Service integration: transfer positioning information and events to the upper system for automatic control, data statistical analysis, process optimization and adjustment.