In order to cope with the aging society, Peng Xiandong, general manager of GFK Zhongyikang household Appliance Division, said in an interview: "Public pension facilities are in the process of gradual optimization and upgrading. Family pension is an inevitable choice
Centimeter-level ultra-wideband positioning uwb development board achieves indoor positioning to reduce errors. How does UWB positioning system achieve indoor positioning? Principle analysis
wifi remote image transfer module enterprise reservoir/marathon wireless video surveillance case Reservoir site I. Project location Yecheng Reservoir, Bellekeqi Reservoir, Karbasman reservoir, Zonglang Reservoir, Baobao Reservoir Second, the purpose of installation The Water resources Bureau shall install video monitoring equipment around the above five reservoirs to monitor the
Millimeter wave radar manufacturers have opened up new markets by combining human presence induction module with dynamic and static. The rise of the concept of "everything interconnection intelligent ecology
Centimeter-level indoor positioning uwb chip helps upgrade construction site/tunnel/coal mine/chemical industry. The high-precision positioning service provided by UWB positioning system can combine people
5km distance wifi module wharf/highway construction wireless monitoring transmission, the project is located in Taizhou ferry wharf, 1.6 kilometers away. It is required to transmit the surveillance on the two ferries