uwb positioning module intelligent industrial indoor personnel positioning application, with industrial safety as the focus, coal mine safety is the key issue that industrial enterprises should deal with. Due to the complex underground environment, accidents often occur in coal mines
10km wifi remote picture transmission control module Maritime exercise/construction site wireless communication guarantee case. Maritime search and rescue refers to the search and rescue work carried out by the state or department for maritime accidents. Compared with land search and rescue, maritime search and rescue is more unpredictable
Wardrobe lamp microwave radar module manufacturer professional radar communication terms A/B ADC Analog to Digital Converter Analog-to-digital converter, an electronic device that converts analog (continuous) signals into digital (digital) signals. AESA Active Electronically Scanned Array Active electronically scanned array, each radiation array is equipped with a transmitting/receiving component, each component can transmit and receive electromagnetic waves.
The coal industry has contributed 92.5 billion tons of coal products to the economic and social development during the 70 years of load operation, but it has also brought a series of serious problems during the rapid development. Some coal mines often have high load or even super capacity production and safety production accidents
With the improvement of modernization and people's living standard in our country, people have increasingly high requirement on the quality of transmission, especially high voltage transmission. At the same time, the current status of transmission line maintenance is discussed. The awareness of transmission line maintenance must be raised. According to the importance, controllability and maintainability of the equipment
Intelligent toilet visible doorbell ultra-low power consumption millimeter wave radar detection module induction ten advantages, in order to measure moving objects or moving human body, it is necessary to prevent other continuous moving objects in the environment may cause